Its difficult to travel with me. Last minute preparation and I never plan my trip. I’ll just jump into it and see what life has to offer.

Almost 3years ago, around this month, I was in Mashhad, Iran, waiting at the bus station and this couple chatted with me while we waited for our bus. Although having a language barrier of communication, we still have a pleasant conversation. And before I leave for Zahedan, they insisted that I take half of their dinner for their trip to Yazd. They say where I’m going is really far. I ask why? It’s because they would be worried sick too if their daughter were to travel alone to an unfamiliar places. What hurts me more is they kept apologizing for not having better food for me, but, thats the most delicious food i had in Iran. Thank you so much for your love and kindness. A complete stranger in the country, this is the toughest journey so far, with many hiccups along the way, but it is the kindness from these people that makes me stronger and go on. It might be a small matter to many, to me, Its everything.